It’s not obvious

If you want your audience to know what your nonprofit does and why it matters, you need to tell them. 

When you’re closely involved in a nonprofit organization as a staff or board member, it’s easy to fall into an “obvious” trap. 

“It’s obvious what we do. Just look at our website!” 

“It’s obvious who we help. Just look at our social media!” 

“It’s obvious what programs we have. Just look at our calendar!” 

As someone closely involved in the organization who monitors these channels on a daily basis, it will be obvious… to you! 

But your audience will not be as familiar with your organization’s website.  They won’t spend hours every day monitoring your social media or updating your event calendar. And they won’t have your mission, vision, or values memorized or printed on their desk. 

If you want your audience to know what your nonprofit does and why it matters, start by removing the assumption that they already know. 

Make it a priority to clearly and directly explain what you do, who you help, and what you offer… and do it often!


Highlight your Volunteers


Looking for content ideas? start by answering the questions you hear all of the time