Looking for content ideas? start by answering the questions you hear all of the time

Your nonprofit’s “Frequently Asked Questions” list is more than just a list of answers… 

It’s a source of content inspiration, too! 

Your organization’s FAQs can be turned into great content because they’re:

  • Crowd-sourced - Your FAQs represent topics, ideas, and concepts that your audience has already told you that they find interesting.

  • Representative - The more frequently a question is asked, the more confidence you can have that it truly represents your audience’s interests.

  • Authority-building - Addressing FAQs establishes your organization as a leader with the authority and experience necessary to answer questions. 

Using FAQs to generate content for your organization is a great way to give your audience exactly what they’ve already told you they want, without reinventing the wheel every time. 

So, if you’re not keeping track of your organization’s “Frequently Asked Questions”... 

Now is the time to start!


It’s not obvious