Looking Beyond Nonprofit Fundraisers: New Ideas for Special Events

Does your nonprofit organization want to build connections in your community? 

Are you hoping to make more people aware of the services you offer? 

Are you looking for new people to get involved or volunteer?

Well, it’s going to sound counterintuitive… But you might not want to host a fundraising event to accomplish those things! 

Now, before we go any further, let me be clear: Fundraisers can be amazing events for nonprofits, helping them raise money, build connections, and generate interest for their cause.

But, fundraisers can also be inaccessible or intimidating to the people you’re trying to reach. Not everyone is interested in big, formal, highly social events like fundraisers, and that’s ok! 

So, what kind of non-fundraiser events can:

  1. Build connections in your community,

  2. Make more people aware of your services, and

  3. Look for new people to get involved or volunteer? 

Here are a few of my favorites — no fundraisers included! 

Educational programs 

Host an in-house educational event where community members can learn something new about what you do or the industry you’re in. Consider programs like a hands-on workshop or an interactive, expert-led class. 

Behind-the-scenes tours  

Invite community members to a behind-the-scenes tour, granting them access to exclusive, never-before-seen elements of your organization. Consider highlighting things that are seen as “secret” to the public for maximum engagement.  

A guest speaker or panel

Connect your community to industry expertise and wisdom by hosting guest speakers or panel discussions. The nonprofit world is filled with passionate and talented people who – more often than not – would love to share their knowledge! 

Social or networking events

Host a social or networking event like a luncheon, coffee or cocktail hour, or conference. This helps community members connect while getting to learn more about your organization, services, and mission at the same time. 

Volunteer recruitment events

Engage with potential volunteers at specific recruitment events. Recruitment events are great for sharing what volunteering looks like at your organization while simultaneously building more direct relationships with potential volunteers.

Open house or “FAQ” events

Offering an “FAQ” or open house event is a great way to meet your community members where they’re at. Inviting people to ask questions in this low-stress setting reveals what people are actually curious about while also building trust. 

Community “thank you” celebrations

Inviting community members to a “thank you” celebration is an incredible way to make them feel seen, heard, and appreciated. Even if they don’t end up donating or volunteering, they’ll always know how much you appreciate their support. 

And, no matter which event type you try out next, don’t forget about your follow-up plan.  A follow-up plan is how you’ll reconnect with attendees after the event has ended and can look like a few different things: 

  1. Send an email - Share your gratitude, share photos from the event, ask for photos from attendees, and offer ways to stay connected or learn more. 

  2. Send a hand-written card - Thank the recipient for coming, mention upcoming opportunities for engagement, and share your contact information. 

  3. Send a request for participation - If you met a community member who would be perfect for a certain committee or board, reach out to them and let them know. 

So, the next time your nonprofit is trying to plan a special event, remember: Not everyone will want to attend a big fundraising event. But, if invited by a friend or co-worker, they may be more inclined to attend a behind-the-scenes tour, participate in an educational program, or hear someone speak about your nonprofit’s work.


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